Saturday, November 19, 2016

ETA Annual Conference 2016 'Let it be an art' The Magic of Creative Writing in the Classroom

Thank you to the wonderful, attentive delegates who attended my session today!


Inspiring students to write creatively with flair and confidence is a challenging but wonderful part of the English teacher's role. To support students in becoming proficient and enthusiastic composers, a range of strategies will be provided for teachers to utilise with their students. To expand on these strategies, the 'Mini-Lesson' approach of Education Leader, Nancie Atwell, will also be explored, and a range of resources will be provided to support the creative writing ideas introduced in the session. In addition to this, the process of setting up a Creative Writing Group and School Newspaper will be outlined. As a result of this session, teachers will gain a host of resources and ideas that they can use in their classes right away.


Dubosarsky, Ursula (2011). The Word Spy. Hawthorn, Australia, Penguin Books Australia.

Glesson, L.ibby  (2007). Writing Like a Writer. Newtown, Australia, Primary English Teaching Association       Australia (PETAA).

Griffiths, Andy (2013). Once Upon a Slime. Sydney, Australia, Pan Macmillan Australia.

Atwell, Nancie (1998). In the middle: new understandings about writing, reading, and learning. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.

Atwell, Nancie (2015). In the Middle a Lifetime of Learning About Writing, Reading, and Adolescents. US, Heinemann Educational Books.

Download the PowerPoint and Booklet HERE!