Saturday, November 25, 2017

The English Teachers Association Annual Conference 2017 - Atwell's Writers and Readers at Work

This is the link to my Saturday presentation where I will speak about the work of Nancie Atwell.

Here is the link for the materials presented: Atwell's Writers and Readers at Work


Atwell's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides opportunities for students to write and read in the authentic ways that real writers and readers do. By developing routines that support students to write well in real world genres and read widely, Atwell's approach prioritises the student voice and allows students to develop a deep love of reading. The session will explore the research that inspired the creation of Atwell's school CTL and her extensive publication In the Middle, as well as the ways in which Writing and Reading workshop can be utilised in the Australian classroom. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

The English Teachers Association Annual Conference 2017 - Write Right!

What a pleasure to be attending the 2017 ETA Annual Conference (my 10th!). It has been, always, two days filled with inspiring and cutting edge approaches to pedagogy in the English classroom. I always leave feeling like I can conquer the world and from looking at the line up, I am sure this year is sure to be amazing!

This year, feeling a little brave, I decided present - twice! Today I am presenting with my colleague Luke Bartolo and tomorrow I will be solo, speaking about the work of Nancie Atwell.

Here is the link for the materials presented for Friday's session Write, Right: Authentic Engagement with Creative Writing


Through following the Atwell model and implementing the mini-lesson approach to creative writing, teachers can provide an opportunity for students to construct imaginative text in an authentic and practical fashion. Skills are taught in close-up in order to facilitate understanding and application, with an emphasis on empowerment of students to express themselves effectively as active participants in the authorial process. By focusing on discrete skills, teachers become active facilitators in assisting learners to become specialists in identifying and using sophisticated techniques in their creative writing. 