Thursday, October 11, 2018


Ten Things I have learnt since being in Maine:

1. The wild turkeys move around in family groups - there were about a dozen gigantic ones feeding in someone’s field this afternoon as I drove home and a family of two hens and eight babies on the way to work this morning.
2. Coyotes sound frightening. I thought I could hear a bunch of people shouting and having a good time on Labour Day and then I listened some more, and it sounded a lot like screaming and crying – it was actually coyotes.
3. I am known as someone from ‘away.’ 
4.  Squirrels are awesome, and I never get sick of watching them scurrying, jumping off the rooves of buildings, and scavenging. I do wish they wouldn’t run out into traffic quite so much
5. Red squirrels are so tiny and adorable.
6.  Ground hogs are just so cute.
7. The spiders run faster than they do in Australia.
8. Everything in Maine is far but the scenery is absolutely divine so it isn’t a chore to drive places.
9. There are several varieties of seagulls and two of them are enormous – the Great Black Backed Gull, Herring Gull, and the Ring-billed Gull. I think, from doing a little internet research, that I have seen mostly Herring Gulls of different ages. More information here:
10. Four way stop signs are a horror story equal those written by Stephen King.

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