Sunday, January 5, 2020

Preparations continue...

There are quite a few things cropping up that I did not anticipate or have forgotten in the long list I have been compiling for the past few months. I want to be ready for everything that will fly at me once the year starts. I would like to be present in my baby's life so I don't miss anything while still being an effective leader. How this is going to happen is still playing out in my mind and I guess I won't really know until I am back at work (in 14-days, but whose counting!). 

So, after 13-years in the education system, I forgot that we do mandatory training. How?! So I have added it to my long list and I started whittling away at these last night. I know there's a few I can do now that will ensure I have a little bit of wriggle room in the day which will allow me to support others doing the training (especially if this is happening on the School Development Day in a few weeks) and it will also allow me to get to the most exciting part - the filing of everyone's certificates of completion. I have created a folder for all of the permanent staff so far and will make the rest once I know who will be in the English Faculty in 2020. I feel a little rude excluding people who are likely to be employed but I don't want to cause any issues if they are located elsewhere in the school - this decision is not mine to make and I can't confirm anything for anyone!

After an extraordinarily hot day - it was 49 degrees celsius in my car when I went to the supermarket to get supplies (I ran out of soda water! I went a day without it but couldn't hack any longer - it is my joy!) I think I have ended the day being quite productive. I am a little sad to realise though, that I didn't publish the post I was working on last night  but it is up now! I will definitely press the publish button on this one.

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