Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Reflections on Week 5, Term 1, 2020

How difficult is it to build continuity and rapport when you are off work sick every other week. The report from students about the lessons in my absence was less than enouraging but sometimes one is just too ill to be in front of 100+ students in a day, and it would be terrible (not to mention, gross!) if they were to all catch my illness. I think it is also damaging to rapport and classroom management when one is not well enough to uphold the facade of certain rules and procedures.

I was unsure whether I would be well by Friday and the reality of facing a big day when still feeling a bit delicate was a bit much but it ended up being just fine. I had 4-periods on, recess welfare meeting, and Pen and Paper Lunch 1 and Lunch 2. I got a sudden burst of energy when more kids started wandering in for the lunch time creative writing group and wow were they adorable when I gave them each a journal. They were only the two for $3.00 ones form Kmart but the kids were chuffed to be given something to capture their thoughts and drafts.

My Year 12 students have expressed their love of writing notes, my conundrum is, how do I give them the briefest notes possible so it fulfils their wish of having some notes and 'actually writing something' in their workbook but also not losing time for them to think and respond and compose... the things I really want them to do. I will have to think on this as I prepare for next term.

This job is such a balancing act and it has been the roughest of starts, I am still planning week by week for every single one of my classes, uni has started, I have to write a book, I have to plan for NAPLAN, I am running a Twilight Session next week, Open Night is next week, and it is assignment time... I am tired just looking at that list. I once told a friend that I bite off more than I can chew and then chew like hell and that is where I am at right now. It is a bit silly, really, but it is hard to give up passion projects even when I know it is going to be a lot - they are the things that keep us going.

I spent a few hours getting baby and myself out of the house so my unwell partner could have a rest. We went to Officeworks where I purchased some lucky door prizes for the Professional Learning I am running - two lovely Lamy ballpoint pens, a few notebooks, memo pads, and some sticky notes, and a big packet of Tim Tams. We then went to Woolworths to buy a roll of wrapping paper and our guest speaker some chocolates as a thank you. I managed to get everything wrapped and ready which means next weekend I won't be feeling stressed knowing I *have* to go out to get things. It will all be done.

Almost at the halfway point.

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